he Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR) is set to take the next step in implementing Project NextDOR, DOR’s multi-year modernization project of its current tax system. On Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020, DOR will launch Rollout 2, which includes new functionality for administering most Indiana business tax types.
Over the next four weeks, customers will receive weekly communication updates that will include information and tips to better prepare users for the upcoming launch. This week, we start with the What, Why, When and How of Project NextDOR:
What is Project NextDOR, ITS and INTIME?
Project NextDOR is DOR’s four-year modernization project to replace the current legacy tax systems with the new Indiana Tax System (ITS), – new state-of-the-art technology that will enable more efficient tax administration operations and enhanced service offerings. Part of the ITS is the introduction of a self-service e-portal for customers called INTIME—Indiana’s Taxpayer Information Management Engine. This new e-portal will enable businesses and individuals to view account information and correspondence online, register tax accounts and pay taxes online. INTIME also replaces INtax and will support expanded return filing of business and corporate taxes.
In 2017, with the support of Governor Eric Holcomb and the Indiana General Assembly, DOR developed Project NextDOR, which is organized into four phases with each phase implementing functionality for specific tax types. For more information regarding the project and each rollout, visit ProjectNextDOR.dor.in.gov.
Why did DOR need to modernize?
Indiana’s current tax processing system has been in place for more than 25 years and presents many processing challenges, inefficiencies and limitations for DOR, customers and practitioners. ITS and INTIME will provide DOR and Indiana taxpayers with new technology that will provide support for current and future tax processing. It also introduces some new services to all Indiana taxpayers.
Enhanced service benefits include:
- Ability to view past payments and returns via INTIME.
- Expanded electronic return filings.
- New and expanded online payment functionality.
- Ability to electronically file amended returns.